Tofu Cat Litter: A Premium Choice for Pet Care

Gelin town pet
Tofu Cat Litter: A Premium Choice for Pet Care
Tofu cat litter is primarily made from natural plant-based ingredients such as pea fiber and corn starch, which are processed through special techniques. These plant materials are crushed, mixed, and shaped through a series of steps to form the granular tofu cat litter. Compared to traditional clay-based litters like bentonite, the production of tofu cat litter places greater emphasis on environmental friendliness and the health of cats.

Ingredients of Tofu Cat Litter


Pea Fiber

Pea fiber is one of the main components of tofu cat litter. It has strong water absorption capabilities, allowing it to quickly soak up the moisture from cat urine. Additionally, pea fiber provides a certain level of strength, ensuring that the litter remains intact during use and maintains good particle integrity.


 This is a photo of the tofu cat litter raw materials in our workshop.

Corn Starch

Corn starch acts as a binder in tofu cat litter. It helps bond the pea fiber and other ingredients together tightly, forming a stable granular structure. Furthermore, corn starch has some absorbent properties, which further enhance the overall water absorption performance of tofu cat litter.

Other Ingredients

In addition to pea fiber and corn starch, tofu cat litter also contains other components like guar gum. Guar gum enhances the litter’s stickiness and durability, making it more resistant to breaking during use. Some tofu cat litters may also include a small amount of deodorizing agents, such as baking soda, to improve odor control.

From the ingredient point of view, tofu cat litter is basically made of natural raw materials, natural materials, and environmentally friendly, which makes tofu cat litter A Premium Choice for Pet Care.

Features of Tofu Cat Litter

(1) Environmental Friendliness

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  • Biodegradable

One of the biggest advantages of tofu cat litter is its excellent environmental friendliness. Made primarily from natural plant-based materials such as pea fiber and corn starch, these ingredients can be broken down by microorganisms in the environment, eventually turning into harmless substances. Unlike traditional clay-based cat litter, tofu cat litter does not pollute the soil or water, making it a more sustainable choice.

  • Reduced Landfill Waste

Since tofu cat litter is biodegradable, using it significantly reduces the amount of waste that needs to be sent to landfills. This is particularly important in today’s world, where landfill space is becoming increasingly scarce. Pet owners can either flush used tofu cat litter down the toilet or compost it, eliminating the need to dispose of it like conventional clay litter that ends up in landfills.

(2) Absorbency and Clumping

  • Excellent Water Absorption


Tofu cat litter boasts exceptional water absorption properties. It quickly soaks up moisture from cat urine, preventing leaks and odor spread. In practical use, tofu cat litter can absorb large amounts of urine in a short time, keeping the litter box dry and clean.

  • Good Clumping Ability


In addition to its strong absorbency, tofu cat litter also has excellent clumping properties. When cats urinate in the litter box, the tofu cat litter quickly forms tight clumps around the waste. These clumps are easy to scoop out and don't fall apart, making it convenient for pet owners to clean the litter box. Good clumping helps maintain cleanliness and reduces the chance of bacterial growth in the litter box.

(3) Convenience

  • Flushable

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One of the standout features of tofu cat litter is that it can be flushed down the toilet. This makes cleaning the litter box much more convenient and quick for pet owners, as there is no need to bag and throw away used litter. Additionally, once flushed, the tofu cat litter can be further treated at sewage treatment plants, posing no harm to the environment.

  • Lightweight

Compared to clay-based cat litter, tofu cat litter is much lighter. This makes it easier for pet owners to handle and replace, especially for those with large litter boxes that need frequent changes. The lightweight nature of tofu cat litter is a significant advantage in such cases.

  • Low Dust

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Tofu cat litter produces very little dust during use. This is beneficial for the respiratory health of cats and helps minimize the spread of dust in the home, keeping the living environment cleaner.

These remarkable features make tofu cat litter an important reason for pet care. As a tofu cat litter manufacturer, we are well aware that the deep concern of end users will bring substantial profits to our customers.

Usage Tips and Precautions for Tofu Cat Litter

Usage Tips

  • Litter Thickness

When using tofu cat litter, it's important to pay attention to the thickness of the litter layer. Generally, it is recommended to spread the litter about 5-8 cm thick in the litter box. This thickness ensures optimal water absorption and clumping while providing a comfortable environment for your cat to use.

  • Timely Cleaning

After your cat uses the litter box, it's important to promptly clean out the clumps. Leaving the clumps in the litter box for too long can affect the litter's absorbency and odor control, and it may increase the risk of bacterial growth.


  • Avoid Excessive Moisture

Although tofu cat litter has excellent water absorption capabilities, prolonged exposure to excessive moisture can still affect its performance. Therefore, it's best to place the litter box in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight and humid environments.

  • Prevent Accidental Ingestion

Even though tofu cat litter is made from natural plant materials, cats may still experience health issues if they ingest it while playing or accidentally. It's essential to monitor your cat's behavior while using tofu litter to prevent ingestion. In the case of accidental ingestion of a small amount, it typically won’t cause serious harm, but if your cat shows symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea, it’s important to seek veterinary care immediately.

  • Choose the Right Brand and Specifications

There are many different brands and specifications of tofu cat litter available on the market. The performance and quality may vary between brands. When choosing tofu cat litter, it’s important to consider your needs and your cat's preferences, selecting a brand and specification that suits both. Opting for well-reviewed and reliable brands is advisable. Additionally, choose the appropriate size based on the size of the litter box and the number of cats in your household.

We are a tofu cat litter factory and do not sell pre-packaged tofu cat litter directly to the outside world. We mainly customize and produce tofu cat litter for tofu cat litter brands. If you choose tofu cat litter as your main pet care product, then we will give you advantageous support.

How to Choose the Right Cat Litter

Consider Your Cat's Habits

  • Kittens: Kittens are more delicate and may not adapt to cat litter as easily. They are curious and may accidentally ingest litter. Therefore, for kittens, it’s important to choose tofu cat litter that produces minimal dust, has small particles, and is soft in texture. This reduces dust irritation to their respiratory system, and the small particles will feel more comfortable on their paws, making them less likely to reject the litter box. Tofu cat litter with particles around 1.5 mm is ideal for kittens.

  • Adult Cats: Adult cats have established litter habits, but preferences can vary. Some adult cats enjoy digging in the litter, and if the particles are too small, they might be scattered outside the box. Choosing the right particle size based on your cat’s digging habits is key, and tofu cat litter with 2-3 mm particles typically works well for most adult cats.

  • Senior Cats: Older cats may have slower movements and less flexible joints. They need cat litter with better absorbency and odor control to reduce the frequency of cleaning. The litter should also be soft, making it easier for senior cats to enter and exit the litter box. Tofu cat litter that contains more absorbent ingredients and has a moderate thickness is a good choice for senior cats, ensuring comfort during use.

Pay Attention to Litter Performance

  • Absorbency

How to Test: You can assess the absorbency of tofu cat litter with a simple test. Take a small amount of litter and place it in a container, then slowly pour in a certain amount of water (simulating a cat's urination, about 30-50 ml), and observe how quickly the litter absorbs the moisture and the resulting clump's state. High-quality tofu cat litter should absorb the liquid within seconds, forming a tight, gel-like clump, with no noticeable water residue around it.

What to Look For: If your cat tends to urinate frequently, or if you live in a humid climate, you should choose tofu cat litter with strong absorbency. Some brands claim that their litter can absorb several times its weight in water, which is ideal for humid environments or multi-cat households as it helps keep the litter box relatively dry.

  • Clumping Ability

How to Test: While testing the absorbency, you can also check the clumping ability. Use a scoop to gently touch the wet clump and see if it falls apart easily. Good tofu cat litter should form firm clumps that don’t break during cleaning.

What to Look For: Litter with good clumping ability can effectively trap your cat's waste and reduce odor. For pet owners who prioritize easy cleaning of the litter box, this is a crucial performance factor.

  • Flushability

How to Test: Take a small amount of litter and put it in a cup of water. Stir it for a few seconds and observe how the litter dissolves. High-quality tofu cat litter should mostly dissolve in water within 1-2 minutes, leaving little to no residue.

What to Look For: Flushable tofu cat litter makes cleanup easier, allowing pet owners to flush used litter down the toilet. However, avoid flushing too much litter at once to prevent clogging.

Consider Other Factors

  • Scent

Mild Fragrance: Some tofu cat litter brands add fragrances to mask odors, but the scent should not be too strong. A strong fragrance may cause discomfort for your cat, or even deter them from using the litter box. Mild, natural scents like green tea or lavender are popular options, as they provide a degree of odor control without overwhelming your cat's sense of smell.

Unscented Option: If your cat is sensitive to smells, or if you're concerned about potential negative effects of scented litter, you can opt for unscented tofu cat litter.

  • Price

Cost-Effectiveness: The price of tofu cat litter can vary greatly, from a few dollars to several dozen per bag. When choosing, don’t just look at the price but also consider the litter’s performance, quality, and volume. For example, some higher-priced tofu cat litter may offer better absorbency and odor control, and the larger bag size may offer better value for money.

Avoid Cheap Traps: Be cautious about choosing overly cheap tofu cat litter, as it may compromise on ingredients, such as using lower-quality materials or reducing the amount of effective ingredients, leading to poor litter performance.

Tofu Cat Litter from Gelin Town Pet: A Premium Choice for Pet Care

If you are a professional cat care brand, choose Gelin Town Pet, a leading tofu cat litter factory in China, as your trusted partner. Our  tofu cat litter is a premium choice, which is eco-friendly, flushable, and highly effective in controlling odors, making it the perfect star product for your brand's pet care lineup. Together, we can create a broader and more successful path in the ever-growing pet market. Let’s collaborate to provide high-quality solutions for pet owners worldwide, ensuring both convenience and sustainability for their furry companions. Reach out to us and explore this exciting opportunity!

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